December 16, 2020

Hi Guys how do you feel today?

 Giving your woman a beautiful and sweet name are you amoung the most important things that make a woman feel so special. 

no matter any circumstances she deserves everything. 

Call your lover a pet name that only the two of you know about.

Point out something you pass by, and tell your lover how it reminds you of a romantic time you spent together

I love going out with you. It gives me a chance to show you off.

I'm so happy I'm the one who gets to sit beside you.

Everyone must be envying me for being with you right now.

When I see someone else admiring you, it makes my heart swell with pride to know that you're mine.

How did I ever get so lucky to be dating you?

Right now, I am the envy of every man/woman here just because I'm with you.

I love the way the light shines off of your beautiful eyes.

I could stay here forever with you. No one else exists right now.

The food is delicious, but the company is even better.

You are the perfect date. Let's hang out again everyday for the rest of our lives.

I can't think of a more perfect evening...good food, a bottle of wine, and you.

All day long I've been dreaming about having this dinner with you.

I don't need any dessert, I have you.

The dinner is wonderful, but the best part is being alone with you.

I don't care what's on the menu as long as I'm looking at it with you.

Food feeds the body, but love feeds the soul.

You're just like a fine eyes could drink you in all night.

I love holding you/being in your arms.

I feel completely comfortable with you.

It is so nice having you next me. It's like a dream come true.

Nothing else matters but us together in this moment.

Every time I wrap my arms around you, it's like coming home to where I belong.

All I want to do is lay here in your arms and listen to your beautiful heart beat.

I never feel complete until we're holding each other again. smell wonderful.

I just want to wrap my arms around you, and let the world drift away.

I think you were made to fit perfectly in my arms.

I love the way the light shines off of your beautiful eyes.

I could stay here forever with you. No one else exists right now.

The food is delicious, but the company is even better.

You are the perfect date. Let's hang out again everyday for the rest of our lives.

I can't think of a more perfect evening...good food, a bottle of wine, and you.

All day long I've been dreaming about having this dinner with you.

I don't need any dessert, I have you.

The dinner is wonderful, but the best part is being alone with you.

I don't care what's on the menu as long as I'm looking at it with you.

Food feeds the body, but love feeds the soul.

You're just like a fine eyes could drink you in all night.

I love holding you/being in your arms.

I feel completely comfortable with you.

It is so nice having you next me. It's like a dream come true.

Nothing else matters but us together in this moment.

Every time I wrap my arms around you, it's like coming home to where I belong.

All I want to do is lay here in your arms and listen to your beautiful heart beat.

I never feel complete until we're holding each other again. smell wonderful.

I just want to wrap my arms around you, and let the world drift away.

I think you were made to fit perfectly in my arms

Say nothing. Just catch his or her eye and give your brightest smile.

Introduce your lover as "the love of my life." Then say "I really mean it" quietly in his or her ear.

December 14, 2020

Hey guys

 Hello guys how did you make your woman feel 
so beautiful everyday? 
Are you a kind of man who always make your feel so special, or did you find it so difficult to do that here are some of the most important things to do just to make your woman feel so happy and beautiful.

1. Make her feel beautiful, every day
This one seems obvious. Internet Romeos everywhere are reading this going “Hey man, I call girls beautiful every day!” I don’t mean just telling a woman she’s beautiful – any guy can do that.
I mean make her deeply feel, in her heart, that you think she is the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful woman you’ve ever laid your eyes on.

Women are not often as confident as they come across. You need to reinforce her, no matter what.
It doesn’t matter if she just got stung by a bee and her entire face is swollen like a basketball, she is still beautiful, and you damn well better act like it.
It’s not just in what you say – it’s in what you don’t say. It’s in how you look at her, how you talk to her, and how you touch her. Make her feel what you don’t need to say, instead of just hearing what you do say.
2. Be honest

This is another big one. It may not seem like it, because honesty should be a quality that you express towards everyone in your daily life – but being honest with a woman you care about will show her that you respect her enough to be straight up with her.
Choose your words carefully, don’t express your honesty in a way that would hurt her feelings, but make sure she knows that she’ll get a straight answer when she comes to you for one, no matter what it’s about.
3. Kiss her. And not just on the lips
Now’s the time to get your mind out of the gutter – When was the last time you gave your girl a kiss on the forehead? On the nose? On her hand?
Sometimes these actions speak even louder volumes than a kiss on the lips. They show her you want to be close to her, and you care about her. Plus, they’re more appropriate in public, so you can show her affection and not be arrested by the PDA police.

4. Don’t compare her to other women

There’s really no reason to do this in the first place – but a woman shouldn’t be made to feel that she’s the ‘best’ out of ‘all the other girls’ because it implies that there are, or have been, other girls. We’re all adults, we realize everyone has a past, but there’s no point in bringing it up.
Instead of making your girl feel like the ‘best’ girl – make her feel like the only girl, because she is.
5. Don’t miss the little things
Chivalry is a common theme in my blog posts – but that’s because it’s a big one. Often times the small things you do for a woman are the ones that count the most, because it shows you’re willing to put in effort for her just because you want to, and not due to a special occasion or event.
Don’t let the little things fade. The opening of doors and pulling out of chairs, holding her hand no matter how long you’ve been together, hugging her from behind for no reason – all speak louder than words you can say.
6. Listen
In a healthy relationship, each partner relies on the other for love, guidance, and advice. Sometimes, just taking the time to genuinely listen to what she has to say, and not saying anything at all – will say more to her than your words ever could.
If a woman is complaining to you, remember that it means she trusts you enough to express her feelings to you. Don’t betray that trust.

December 11, 2020



1. Make her feel beautiful, every day

This one seems obvious. Internet Romeos everywhere are reading this going “Hey man, I call girls beautiful every day!” I don’t mean just telling a woman she’s beautiful –

any guy can do that.

I mean make her deeply feel, in her heart, that you think she is the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful woman you’ve ever laid your eyes on.

Women are not often as confident as they come across. You need to reinforce her, no matter what.

It doesn’t matter if she just got stung by a bee and her entire face is swollen like a basketball, she is still beautiful, and you damn well better act like it.

It’s not just in what you say – it’s in what you don’t say. It’s in how you look at her, how you talk to her, and how you touch her. Make her feel what you don’t need to say, instead of just hearing what you do say.

2. Be honest

This is another big one. It may not seem like it, because honesty should be a quality that you express towards everyone in your daily life – but being honest with a woman you care about will show her that you respect her enough to be straight up with her

Choose your words carefully, don’t express your honesty in a way that would hurt her feelings, but make sure she knows that she’ll get a straight answer when she comes to you for one, no matter what it’s about.

3. Kiss her. And not just on the lips

Now’s the time to get your mind out of the gutter – When was the last time you gave your girl a kiss on the forehead? On the nose? On her hand?

Sometimes these actions speak even louder volumes than a kiss on the lips. They show her you want to be close to her, and you care about her. Plus, they’re more appropriate in public, so you can show her affection and not be arrested by the PDA police.

4. Don’t compare her to other women

There’s really no reason to do this in the first place – but a woman shouldn’t be made to feel that she’s the ‘best’ out of ‘all the other girls’ because it implies that there are, or have been, other girls. We’re all adults, we realize everyone has a past, but there’s no point in bringing it up.

Instead of making your girl feel like the ‘best’ girl – make her feel like the only girl, because she is.

5. Don’t miss the little things

Chivalry is a common theme in my blog posts – but that’s because it’s a big one. Often times the small things you do for a woman are the ones that count the most, because it shows you’re willing to put in effort for her just because you want to, and not due to a special occasion or event.

Don’t let the little things fade. The opening of doors and pulling out of chairs, holding her hand no matter how long you’ve been together, hugging her from behind for no reason – all speak louder than words you can say.


In a healthy relationship, each partner relies on the other for love, guidance, and advice. Sometimes, just taking the time to genuinely listen to what she has to say, and not saying anything at all – will say more to her than your words ever could.

If a woman is complaining to you, remember that it means she trusts you enough to express her feelings to you. Don’t betray that


7. Start, and end your day with her

Even if you can’t see each other every day, by sending her a simple text when you wake up, and before you go to bed, she will know she’s the first and last person you think of every day. That is priceless.

8. Give her massages

I never thought I’d have to put this one in here, I give my girlfriend some type of massage literally every time I’ve seen her in over a year of being together. Yet, when girls talk about getting a massage from their boyfriend it’s like it’s some special occasion saved for birthdays and holidays.

December 7, 2020

अरे तुम पाकिस्तान हो?

HEY आप एक पाकिस्तानी हैं आइए कनेक्ट करें कृपया इस पोस्ट और आपके नंबर पर एक टिप्पणी छोड़ दें।

 कैसे एक लड़की को बनाने के लिए आप अधिक विस्तार से काम करते हैं।

 यह इतना अच्छा है कि आपके पास है और आप उसे इतना खुश महसूस करते हैं।  लड़की को ध्यान, समय और सुनने की जरूरत है

 यह कुछ चीजें हैं जो आपको चाहिए कि वे केवल अपना काम करें

 1. अपने कानों को खोले

 लड़कियों को एक आदमी पसंद है जो उनकी समस्याओं को सुनने जा रहा है और जब आप अपने कान खोलते हैं और उन्हें बात करने देते हैं, तो आप पीछा करने में किसी अन्य व्यक्ति पर एक कदम हैं।  सुनिश्चित करें कि आप निर्णय लेने के लिए उसे धक्का नहीं देंगे।  वह सिर्फ इतना चाहती है कि आप उसे सुनें ताकि वह इसे काम कर सके।

 बेशक अगर वह आपकी सलाह मांगे तो आपको देनी चाहिए।  बस सुनिश्चित करें कि आप इसके साथ बहुत कठिन धक्का नहीं दे रहे हैं या वह तेजी से दरवाजा बंद नहीं करेंगे।

 2. अपने घटक दें

 अब और फिर कौन अच्छी तारीफ नहीं करता है?  बस कृपया उसे नकली प्रशंसा न दें या वह तेजी से अंकुश लगाने के लिए आपके बट को लात मार देगा।  सुनिश्चित करें कि तारीफ वास्तविक और ईमानदार है और बहुत गहरी नहीं है


 3. उसका समर्थन करें

 इस तरह से सोचें कि आप एक जयजयकार कर सकते हैं।  आपको उसे दिखाने की ज़रूरत होगी ताकि आप उसे प्रोत्साहित करें और उसकी दैनिक लड़ाई में उसका समर्थन कर सकें।  इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि आपको उसकी हर बात से सहमत होना होगा और वह कहेगी, जो आपको एक कठपुतली कठपुतली बना देगा।

 हालाँकि, आपको उसे अपने जीवन विकल्पों के लिए उसकी सराहना और सम्मान करना चाहिए।  डेटिंग गेम में यह बिल्कुल सादा जादुई है।

 4. CHIVALRY CARD को चलाने के लिए तैयार न हों

 यह वह जगह है जहाँ आप उसका ध्यान आकर्षित करते हैं और उसकी दुनिया को हिलाते हैं।  बहुत से लोग आज अपने शिष्टाचार को भूलते दिख रहे हैं।  जब आप किसी महिला के साथ सही व्यवहार करते हैं, तो वह कभी भी स्टाइल से बाहर नहीं जाएगी।

 उसके लिए दरवाजा खोलो।  उसकी कुर्सी बाहर खींचो।  एक मिर्च शाम को उसे अपना कोट दें।

 जब आप उसे विशेष रूप से व्यवहार किए जाने के लायक दिखाते हैं, तो आप सभी सही कारणों के लिए उसके दिल में अपना रास्ता निचोड़ लेंगे।  इसे आजमा कर देखें!  आपके पास खोने के लिए कुछ नहीं है।

 5. अपने ध्यान के सभी देते हैं

 मुझे पता है कि जिस तकनीक को हम अपनी उंगलियों तक पहुंचा रहे हैं, उस पर विचार करना इतना आसान नहीं है।  यदि आप इस लड़की को दिखाने के बारे में गंभीर हैं जिसे आप उसके साथ प्यार में पड़ने के लायक हैं, तो आपको उस पर सभी निगाहें रखने की जरूरत है।

December 4, 2020


If you need CONNECTION simply message me with this email.


it is so nice that you have and you make her feel so happy. girl needs attention, time and listening.



Girls like a man that’s going to listen to their problems and when you open your ears and let them talk, you are one step up on any other guy in pursuit. Make sure you don’t push her to make a decision. She just wants you to listen so she can work it out.

Of course if she asks for your advice, you should give it. Just make sure you aren’t pushing too hard with it or she’ll close the door fast.


Who doesn’t like a nice compliment now and then? Just please don’t give her fake praise or she will kick your butt to the curb fast. Make sure the compliment is genuine and sincere and not too deep.


Think of this like you might a cheerleader. You need to show her you will be there to encourage her on and support her in her daily battles. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything she does and says, that would make you a pushover puppet.

However, you should show her you appreciate and respect her for her life choices. That’s just plain magical in the dating game.


This is where you are going to capture her attention and rock her world. Too many guys today seem to forget their manners. When you treat a lady properly, it will never ever go out of style.

Open the door for her. Pull out her chair. Give her your coat on a chilly evening.

When you show her she’s worth being treated specially, you will be squeezing your way into her heart for all the right reasons. Give it a shot! You’ve got nothing to lose.


I know this one isn’t so easy considering the technology we’ve got to our fingertips. If you are serious about showing this girl you deserve to have her fall in love with you, then you need to keep all eyes on her.

December 2, 2020





Girls like a man that’s going to listen to their problems and when you open your ears and let them talk, you are one step up on any other guy in pursuit. Make sure you don’t push her to make a decision. She just wants you to listen so she can work it out.

Of course if she asks for your advice, you should give it. Just make sure you aren’t pushing too hard with it or she’ll close the door fast.


Who doesn’t like a nice compliment now and then? Just please don’t give her fake praise or she will kick your butt to the curb fast. Make sure the compliment is genuine and sincere and not too deep.

Think of this like you might a cheerleader. You need to show her you will be there to encourage her on and support her in her daily battles. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything she does and says, that would make you a pushover puppet.

However, you should show her you appreciate and respect her for her life choices. That’s just plain magical in the dating game.

This is where you are going to capture her attention and rock her world. Too many guys today seem to forget their manners. When you treat a lady properly, it will never ever go out of style.

Open the door for her. Pull out her chair. Give her your coat on a chilly evening.

When you shower she’s worth being treated specially, you will be squeezing your way into her heart for all the right reasons. Give it a shot! You’ve got nothing to lose.

I know this one isn’t so easy considering the technology we’ve got to our fingertips. If you are serious about showing this girl you deserve to have her fall in love with you, then you need to keep all eyes on her.

December 1, 2020


How to make a woman happy and loved

 because work has been crazy busy, but I want you to know I haven’t stopped thinking about you for one second.

2. I wish you were out with me and the guys. You have to come next time.

3. I hate when you’re not here. I hate not being able to reach over and grab your hand.

4. I think my friends are annoyed with me, because I haven’t stopped talking about you.

5. I just heard a song that reminds me of us. I’m going to send it to you.

6. I hate waking up without you. It doesn’t feel right.

7. Work sucks, but seeing you in a few hours will make it all feel worthwhile.

8. I hate that you can’t see how amazing you are.

9. I know we’ve been together for a while, but I still can’t believe that I convinced you to date me.

10. I feel like we have something that could last forever.

11. I have a surprise waiting for you when you get here. I hope you like it.

12. You made me change my mind about marriage. I can’t imagine my future without seeing you in it.

13. No matter how horrible my day was, you always find a way to make it better.

14. Are you coming over later or am I going to have to spend the entire night missing you?

15. You’re the only person I want to be with.

16. Ever since I met you, I really love the person I’ve become. You make me want to be better.

17. I can’t wait until I get to come home to you every night for the rest of my life.

18. I wish I could bring you to work with me. Spending eight hours without you is torture.

19. It’s hard for me to concentrate, because I keep thinking about how beautiful you looked the other day.

20. I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight. We’ll go to your favorite place.

21. I had a dream we got married. I wish I didn’t wake up so soon.

22. Every time I picture your face, I can’t stop myself from smiling.

23. I love texting you, but I would rather see you in person.