January 28, 2019


IS A PLANT ORIGIN FROM EUROPE whose healing properties have been known for a long time. Yesterday, the yarrow was used to stop the bleeding caused by war wounds. Active against the hay 
fever, it also treats the common cold and the flu, it is also used in case of problems related to menstruation and circulatory disorders.


Yarrow is a perennial plant of the family Asteraceae growing in temperate zones of several continents (Europe, Asia, South America). A plant with a little branched stem, it is usually 60 to 80 cm. some specimens can grow up to two meters, stems are covered with woolly, whitish hairs, elongated leaves of yarrow are dark green, petiolate at base, flowering occurs between June and September: flower heads yarrow are white, pink or purple and have white-yellow to yellow florets in their hearts.



Antispasmodic and decongestant: yarrow helps relieve digestive disorders, but also menstrual pain.
Peptic: it helps digestion and heals dyspepsia. 
Emmenagogue: the plant stimulates blood flow to the pelvic region and the uterus.


Healing and coagulation: Applied as a compress, yarrow helps stop bleeding and helps to heal wounds. Anti-inflammatory: the plant relieves skin inflammation. 
Antispasmodic: used in sits bath, it relieves menstrual pain. 
Antiseptic: Yarrow helps to prevent infections.


To treat loss of appetite, digestive disorders and menstrual pain, yarrow is consumed as an infusion, at a rate of one to two teaspoons in 150 ml of water, to be taken three times per day. day between meals, liquid extract (1 to 2 ml three times a day) or mother tincture (5 ml in a little water or fruit juice three times a day) can also be used. 

In external use, yarrow is used in three different ways: compresses from an infusion of one to two teaspoons in 250 ml of water, essential oil diluted in a little oil vegetable, in sitz bath for menstrual pain, with 100 g of dried plants infused in a liter of water that is then diluted in twenty liters of hot water.

More simply, a fresh yarrow leaf placed in the nostrils will stop nosebleeds, while chewed poultice leaves are an excellent anticoagulant.


A girl of 20 yrs old was revealed to be selling her colleges pants for rituals. 

Ani promise a.k.a (Anita), is paid a huge amount of money by the rituals ,to bring pants to them for scarifies.

Ani promise concur to stealing the pants from her room mates and neighbours ,but claimed that she returned them after about five minutes, because her conscience did not allow her to rest.

According to Punch Nigeria, the suspect went to the house of one Onyia Grace located in the Camp area of Enugu, around 1am and stole her pants, which were left to dry on the line outside.

The two counts of stealing preferred against the suspect read in part read,

“That you, Ani promise, on Saturday, January 26, 2019, around 1am in the camp area of Enugu ,seized the pants of one Onyia Grace without her consent and for reasons best known to you.”

The prosecutor, Inspector Oji Nelson, said the accused took the pants away, thereby committing an offence contrary to and punishable under sections 249 (D) and 390 (9) of the Criminal Code Cap 34. Vol. II, Laws of Enugu State of Nigeria, 2003.

When allowed to talk, the suspect admitted to stealing the pants but added that she returned them after five minutes.
“I actually stole the pants, but within five minutes, I returned them because i Don't have mind to do that to my neighbour. Please pardon me ,i promised not to involve myself in that again,” Promise said.

After pleading guilty to the charges, the defence counsel, Mrs Susan Ajeigbe, felt pity on her and pleaded for Ani promise bail and promised to always present her for trial.

The presiding magistrate, Modupe Awodele, in her ruling, ordered that the accused be remanded in the Ilesha Prison and adjourned the case till February 3,2 Sun-ling on the bail application


Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, has strongly opposed to the arraignment of Walter Onnoghen, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, C.J.N, before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, C.C.T, for alleged fraudulent assets declaration.
Remeber, that the Code of Conduct Bureau, C.C.B, had filed a six-count charge bordering on fraudulent declaration of assets against the C.J.N, at the C.C.T, after receiving a petition from Dennis Aghanya, the Executive Secretary of the Anti-Corruption Research Data-Based Initiative, ARDBI
However, it was gathered that Aghanya is a staunch fan of President Muhammadu Buhari and his Allies, after which it later turnred that Rotimi Amaechi, the Minister of Transport, is the ringleader of the President’s Allies, pulling the strings of Onnoghen’s arraignment from the background.

It was learnt also, that while Amaechi and his Allies, including Okoi Obono-Obla, Chairman of the Special Presidential Investigation Panel for the Recovery Public Property, SPIP, remain bent on removing Onnoghen from Office by any possible means, Osinbajo has continued to maintain that the CCT option is not in line with due legal process.

According to a highly placed source in the All Progressives Congress, APC, who is very familiar with the matter, Osinbajo is insisting that while the CJN may have questions to answer, due process must be clearly and transparently followed.

“There are strong claims implicating the CJN on several fronts, including breach of extant laws bordering on corruption and conspiracies. This was the basis of the need to prosecute the CJN”, said the source.

“But the VP denounced the plan to arraign the CJN before the Tribunal, immediately he got wind of it, insisting that due process has to be followed strictly, especially in dealing with such an important personality in the Judiciary.

“The VP specifically warned against the arraignment at the CCT, and the current manner in which the case is being pursued. While he acknowledged the strong case against the CJN, the VP firmly noted that there should be a diligent approach that is in line with due process.”

The source added that Osinbajo seemed to have had his way initially, however, Amaechi went behind to draft a few Security Officials into the plot to arraign the CJN at the Tribunal.

“Even the Attorney-General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, was kept in the dark, until very late in the day, regarding the arraignment at the Tribunal”, he said.

Onnoghen was absent at his arraignment before Honourable Danladi Umar of the CCT, which kicked off on friday,as Amaechi wanted.

However, it was adjourned to sartuday, January 27 after Onnoghen,  represented by Wole Olanipekun (SAN), plus 50 other SANS, and more than 50 other Lawyers, successfully argued that he was not properly served the court summons.

Please comment below and don’t forget to share.

January 27, 2019


It was hours after midnight when the eight men set off for their mission.
Dressed in jungle fatigues, they moved in two dinghies, four to a boat. Their paddles sliced through

the dark, swampy water as they moved farther along the near-pitch darkness of the river.Three men paddled in each boat while the forth manned the front with an AK-47 assault rifle resting across a thigh.

Their leader, James a rugged, cold individual, crouched in front of the first boat, peering ahead. They passed several fishing boats and villages along the way, but the inhabitants were all indoors and asleep; no one took notice of them. James thanked his luck. This was his mission from the start — one he knew he’d been destined to carry out. He’d personally hand-picked his men for the raid. They were tough, brutal, and merciless. They were all willing to go the distance with him toward shedding of blood, which was the purpose of this mission. Every man in his unit was sworn in blood to protect their land from being ridden into extinction by rapacious foreigners and conniving oil profiteers, the ones under the umbrella of the government responsible for raping their land. All other militant army groups had folded to the government’s laws and pressures, or fallen victim to their own capriciousness, but not them, the United Niger-Delta Brigade. Tonight, their action will justify to the world their unwillingness to cower from taking back what was theirs.

They came to the end of the brackish river, which opened into the expanse of the Bonny Estuary. Federal gunboats do patrol the area, but the decrease in militant activity since the previous year, when the government negotiated an armistice with the last remnants of militant rebels, had slackened their effort to the point of it being almost nonexistent. Budgetary cuts, too, had helped worsened their malaise. James and his men took comfort in this; their attack would be a shocking surprise the likes of which no one would expect.

They followed the route of the tide, and three miles ahead entered an upstream river channel. They sighted their target — an oil jetty station, one of several located thirty miles from the city. The station stood on a wide concrete berth close to the river’s edge, a suitable location for small merchant ships coming from offshore oil production fields at Obudu, Ofon, and Amenam to unload their consignments — drilling rod pipes, cargo containers and generator equipment — before proceeding inbound toward Cape City or the shipyards located at Amadi Base. The nearest federal military base was stationed at Bonny — eighteen miles from the jetty — but the militants had the timing of their mission well set. It would take the authorities an hour or more to gather enough soldiers to respond to any threat occurring at this hour.
James burned with raw hatred at the government, and everything it represented. All the years of growing up and watching his people being forced and beaten from their indigenous homestead to make way for the foreign companies to come and siphon their oil with them not having a say in the matter, of being chased by the navy gunboats, hiding whenever they sabotaged any oil pipelines with pittance effect had furled within him the urgent call of taking the war to their enemy’s backyard, wanting them and the public to know what it feels to be afraid. He was confident he and his men would be gone before the military even showed up.

James attention was focused on the large building situated twenty feet from the berth. From where he stood, he could make out a lone guard patrolling behind the wire-meshed gate of the compound; there were supposed to be three of them. He and his men had studied stolen blueprints of the building and knew where every office and door led, including the number of guards in the compound. Their target were some expatriate engineers residing in the building who had arrived two days prior to inspect some imported fuel pumps.

The militants hunkered in their boats as they approached the quay.

The lead boat came alongside the bushy coastline, away from the jetty’s bright lights. James signalled his men to get ready. Each man appraised his weapon and flicked off the safety.

The eight militants of the United Niger-Delta Brigade alighted and crept up the soggy ground until their feet touched dry land. They hid from the bright roving lights and scrambled across the concrete front of the quay, toward the east section of the complex. They were on enemy territory now. There was the distant throbbing sound of working generators that powered the complex building; everything else was quiet. James led his men around the side of the compound toward the front gate where he had earlier spotted one of the patrolling guards. The gate was electrified; this they knew about already. They hid behind an embankment situated next to the compound and waited.

James gave one of his men his assault rifle and took off his fatigue jacket and pants, which hid a blue coverall similar to one of any regular night-shift worker stationed at the jetty. He approached the gate and hissed at the lone patrol guard to catch his attention.

“Hey there, my man,” he lowered his voice as he called out in pidgin. The guard stopped and looked in his direction, his rifle slung behind his shoulder. He bore no alarm at seeing him. James produced a hand-rolled cigarette from his coverall’s hip pocket. “How you dey manage? Me, I just dey fall in for night shift. Abeg, you fit assist me with lighter or matches?”

The guard seemed to contemplate for a moment then came forward, muttering under his breath. James saw fatigue in the guard’s demeanour, no sign of being suspicious as to his presence, and knew he wouldn’t be a problem. The guard got to the gate and unearthed a set of keys to unlock it. James entered the compound, still holding his cigarette in front of him, while his other hand held a pistol with a silencer behind his back. The guard was checking his pockets for a lighter and didn’t see the gun pointed at him. James shot him twice. Aside from the dull phut–throughput of the silencer, the only other sound was that of the guard grunting before falling to the ground dead; his lighter clattered beside his leg. James scooped the guard up by his armpits, his eyes darting everywhere as he dumped the body inside the empty security house beside the gate. He glanced around, making sure he was in the clear before waving his men over. He shut the gate after his men hurried inside the compound and took back his assault rifle.

A cobbled pathway led to the three-floor company building; three white trucks were parked beside the front entrance. James and his men huddled behind one of them. He could see through the glass-fronted door of the building into the lobby; there weren’t any guards positioned there. He sent two of his men to scout around the building for the other patrolling guard. They returned two minutes later and reported no sight of him.

James decided to chance it. He and his men approached the front door of the building’s lobby, and he held it open for his men to slip inside. Past the lobby was a wide corridor with numerous offices, all of which would be locked and deserted. A centre stairwell led to the second and third floor; the night-shift workers were quartered on the second, while the expatriates on the third. Lambs gathered together, waiting to be slaughtered.

“It’s time, my brothers. Time to make our people proud.” James whispered to his men.

The six-man team divided. James took four of his men and signalled the other three to take care of the night-shift workers. He crept up the stairs leading to the third floor with his men trailing behind, cradling their weapons.

The sound of gun fire coming from the second floor was instantaneous, sounding like exploding firecrackers, and reverberated around the building. James and his men had just stepped off the stairs onto the third floor landing when a door down the left corridor opened and one of the expatriate engineers — a middle-aged Briton who’d been finding it hard to fall asleep — stepped out wearing a shirt and a pair of briefs. He was the first to see the armed militants and only had time to mutter “Dear God” in shock, before catching a hail of bullets fired from James assault rifle.

The bullets tore through the Briton’s torso and limbs like a razor. The force of the bullets threw him against the far wall before falling to the ground.

Another door opened just as Make James and his men rushed forward, their hearts beating with adrenaline and excitement as one by one, they emptied their magazine rounds at the engineers.

An alarm sounded as James took one last look at the other dead corpses his men had killed, lying sprawled on their beds. He and his men returned to the second floor, leaving behind a scene of death. The second floor bore similar deathly scene as the one upstairs. They met with their other colleagues and trooped down the stairs together.

The second guard whom the militants had failed to spot, having sounded off the building’s alarm, entered the building doorway with his rifle drawn, afraid. One of James men racing down the stairs saw him in time and opened fire. The guard screamed aloud as bullets tore into his flesh, some of it shattering the glass doorway. The guard crumpled to the ground and James and his men raced past him out of the building. They ran down the quay toward the direction they had come. They jumped into their boats and started paddling back the way they had come. The sound of the alarm grew fainter, so too the sight of the jetty.

An hour later after they’d gotten lost in one of the tributary rivers and were safe on dry land, James slapped his men’s shoulders, congratulating them on a job well done. They laughed an went bank home.

January 26, 2019



It is a big shook today to witness this terrible story in (IMT) institute of management and technology today.

Students living in IMT hostel   wan toned the whole school today. There were showing their anger in a dangerious way today via on how 70 girls died this morning by 10:00 am. They were also dragging one lady called Aunty Gloria.

Aunty Gloria is a newly employed cleaner in Institute of management and Technology Enugu. Aunty Gloria is one of the ladies that were employed to work as a cleaner in IMT. She was among the ladies appointed to clean the females bathroom.
Their destroyed all chairs and equipments used in tutoring them and also burned and destroyed many cars, buses, shops etc. As their dragged Aunty Gloria to the managements of the school (IMT)

The authorities in the school calmed them down and asked them what happened.? Their leader who turned to be Anigbo Chiamaka, an accountancy student and she is in ND2 (National diploma) . She spook up saying "that 70 girls died in female hostel this morning and 30 girls are suffering different rashes all over there body and need to be taken to hospital immediately.
Immediately the authorities and managements in IMT called ambulances to take the corps to mortuary and the 30 girls that is suffering from rashes all over there body’s to the hospitals. Also calls were made by the managements, informing the police and the other bodies to come and look into the matter at hand.
The principles guiding IMT female hostel is this all the girls should finish all their baiting by 9:30am" so that the people cleaning their bathroom will commence their cleaning of the bathrooms. Unfortunately that day was Aunty Gloria second day to clean the female bathroom. As she was inside the bathroom with all her tools for washing the bathroom ,dabbing the form used in getting baited water from the girls that have finished baiting already, which was her regular doings whenever she has a deal with any rituals that want to make quick money or anybody that the native doctors requires it from. Today as one of the girls that want to bait by 9:50am, called Udder Chinasa was coming to bait, already lady Gloria was busy parking water thinking that nobody will see her. Chinaza opened the door quietly so that nobody will hear it and go and report her to their authority guiding the hostel. She was surprised by what she saw Aunty Gloria doing but Aunty Gloria did not notice that someone was with her in the bathroom .She ran outside and called the authorities managing the hostels and took them back to the bathroom. They tiptoed to the bathroom. Aunty Gloria was surprised and tried to confuse them but they dragged her away. As they were going to report her, some girl in the hostels was crying and shouting. Aunty Gloria opened up and say that: she is responsible for that going on. She confessed that she use to sell those baited water she dabs from the female bathroom and sells it to rituals and after 1 day, the people that their baited water were used for scarifies will die and have some will have  rashes all over their bodies and latter dies.

Another girl (Udeh Chinaza) that was actually among the people that was dragging Aunty Gloria spook up saying that its all this lady's fault.

At last she confessed in the public place and she arrested with all her culprits.

All the parents off the dead ones were called and for these girls to be buried in General Enugu cemetery. Reverend Ejike Mbaka was called to pray for the lost souls and pray for those people in the hospitals..

presented to you by a Journalist Anianwu Amamife Recheal.

January 24, 2019


Dream Big Dreams
Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Your thoughts alone have the power

to make you healthy or sick, rich or poor, popular or unpopular. Your mind is like a powerful force that can be turned in any direction to bring about wonderful results, or wreak havoc and destruction. Your main goal in life must be to harness your amazing powers and direct them intelligently and systematically toward achieving everything you really want.
Let me tell you a story. Some years ago, I took my family to Italy on vacation. We toured several of the great art museums of Rome and Florence. In Florence, there is a special museum that was built to house the statue of David created by Michelangelo several hundred years ago. This is perhaps the most beautiful piece of sculpture in the world.The actual physical experience of being in the same room with it is something that none of us has ever forgotten.
The story of the creation of the David is very interesting and contains a lesson for all of us. Michelangelo was commissioned by the Medici’s to create a statue for the main square in Florence. 
The Medici’s were the wealthiest and most powerful family of Italy at the time. A commission for a statue from the Medici’s was not only a great honer; it was also a task that could not be re- fused. For two years, Michelangelo searched for a block of stone out of which he could create the kind of masterpiece the Medici’s were looking for.
Finally, on a side street of Florence, partially overgrown with weeds and covered with dirt, he found a huge slab of marble lying on wooden trestles. It had been hauled down from the mountains years before and had never been used.
Michelangelo had walked past this street many times, but this time he stopped and looked more closely. As he walked back and forth studying the block of marble, he actually envisioned the statue of David and saw it in its entirety.
The sculptor quickly arranged to have workmen haul the block of marble to his studio some distance away. He then began the long, hard job of hammering and chiselling. It took him two solid years of work to create the rough outline of the statue. He then put his hammers and chisels aside and spent two more years polishing and sanding before the statue was complete.
Michelangelo was already famous as a sculptor, and the news that he was working on a major commission for the Medici’s spread all over Italy. When the day came for its first public viewing, thou- sands of people came from all over Italy and gathered in the main square. When it was unveiled, the crowd stood gaping in awe. It was breathtakingly beautiful. People cheered. Women fainted. The audience was amazed at the incredible beauty of the enormous statue. Michelangelo was immediately recognised as the greatest sculptor of his age.
Afterwards, when Michelangelo was asked how he was able to create such a masterpiece, he replied by saying that he saw the David complete and perfect in the marble. All he did was to remove everything that was not the David.
There are many parallels between yourself and the David. You are very much like a great masterpiece enclosed in marble as well. But the marble that envelops you, and most other people, is the marble of small, limited thinking and excessive worry about the possibilities of loss or failure, rather than an excited anticipation of the re- wards of success and achievement.
To realise your full potential, your greatest need is to break out of your limited thinking by dreaming big dreams and imagining unlimited possibilities. You need to remove all the negative beliefs that hold you back from becoming all you are capable of becoming.
But remember, even after the David had been released from the marble, it took Michelangelo two solid years of sanding and polishing to turn it into a masterpiece. In the same way, you also have to work on yourself, sanding and polishing, learning and practicing, for days, weeks, months, and even years, to develop and bring out all the talents and abilities that lie deep inside of you.
The central purpose of this book is to help you change your thinking in such a way that you become absolutely unstoppable in achieving any goal you can set for yourself. Your goal is to develop yourself to the point psychologically where you become like an irresistible force of nature. You will be like the tide coming in, or like a powerful storm that sweeps across the land.
Your aim is to become so confident, courageous, strong, and resolute that you can set any goal for yourself with the firm knowledge that you can learn what you need to learn, and do what you need to do, to eventually achieve it. You will become so persistent and determined that nothing and no one can slow you down or alter your course. You will become truly unstoppable!
You begin the process of becoming unstoppable by dreaming big dreams. Since everything you create in your world begins with a thought, the bigger the dreams you dream, the bigger the goals you will achieve. All successful men and women are dreamers. All peak performers are what are called “blue-sky thinkers.” They continually allow their minds to float freely when they think about what is possible for them. They look at the unlimited blue sky above them as the only limit to everything and anything that they could possibly be, or have or do.
Successful people continually practice “back from the future” thinking. They project into the future several years and imagine what their lives would look like if they had achieved all of their goals. They look back to the present, from the mental vantage point of the future, like looking from the top of a high mountain down to where they are actually standing in the valley, in the present. They then look at the path that they would have to take to get to where they want to be in the future.
By the law of correspondence, whatever you can clearly see on the inside, you will eventually experience on the outside. You should therefore visualise your goals with as much clarity and vividness as possible. Visualise your goals intensely and create within yourself the same feeling that you would have if you had already achieved your goals. Visualise your goals frequently. Replay a picture of your goal, as if you had already realised it, on the screen of your mind as many times a day as you possibly can. Visualise your goals for as long as you possibly can, preferably just before falling asleep each night.
Repeat these exercises of visualisation—vividness, intensity, frequency, and duration—until your goals become absolutely clear, living, breathing, exciting, clear pictures in your mind. The more skilled you become at moving from the dream through the goal to the visualisation, the more motivated and determined you will be. The more clarity you develop, the more courage and confidence you will have, and the more unstoppable you will become.
The most important part of dreaming big dreams is for you to define your ideal future vision. It is for you to think about what you want before you begin to think about what is possible for you. You dream big dreams by looking into the future and imagining that you have no

Limitations holding you back from achieving anything you set your mind on.
Detach yourself from your current situation and allow yourself to dream. Pretend for the moment that you have all the time and money you need. Imagine that you have all the connections and contacts, all the resources and opportunities, all the education and knowledge, all the skills and experience that you require to be, have, or do anything that you could dream of.
Imagine your ideal lifestyle. Imagine your ideal job or income. Imagine where you would like to live and how you would like to spend each day, each week, each month. Imagine your ideal family life. Imagine your ideal state of health. Design your perfect life in every respect.
Here is an exercise for you. Take out a piece of paper and at the top write the words “Dream List.” Underline these words and then write down everything that you can think of that you could ever possibly want if you had no limitations whatsoever.
Most people are held back by their self-limiting beliefs. The way you burst these mental chains is with a dream list. The very fact that you can write down something that you would love to have someday means that you probably have within you, right now, the ability to achieve it. Let your mind float freely as you write. There will be lots of time to organize and evaluate your dreams later.
Here is a great question: “What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?”
If you were absolutely guaranteed of success in the achievement of any one goal, big or small, long-term or short-term, what would it be? If a billionaire took a liking to you and offered to write you a check to cover any goal that you could clearly define, what one goal would you choose?
If you could have any job, what would it be? If you could work for any kind of company, what kind of a company would you select? Where would it be, and what would it be doing? If your family life and your relationships could be perfect in every respect, what would they look like? Answer these questions clearly. Write them down.


 Dream Big Dreams
The sculptor quickly arranged to have workmen haul the block of marble to his studio some distance away. He then began the long, hard job of hammering and chiselling. It took him two solid years of work to create the rough outline of the statue. He then put his hammers and chisels aside and spent two more years polishing and sanding before the statue was complete.
Michelangelo was already famous as a sculptor, and the news that he was working on a major commission for the Medici’s spread all over Italy. When the day came for its first public viewing, thou- sands of people came from all over Italy and gathered in the main square. When it was unveiled, the crowd stood gaping in awe. It was breathtakingly beautiful. People cheered. Women fainted. The audience was amazed at the incredible beauty of the enormous statue. Michelangelo was immediately recognised as the greatest sculptor of his age.
Afterwards, when Michelangelo was asked how he was able to create such a masterpiece, he replied by saying that he saw the David complete and perfect in the marble. All he did was to remove everything that was not the David.
There are many parallels between you and the David. You are very much like a great masterpiece enclosed in marble as well. But the marble that envelops you, and most other people, is the marble of small, limited thinking and excessive worry about the possibilities of loss or failure, rather than an excited anticipation of the re- wards of success and achievement.
To realise your full potential, your greatest need is to break out of your limited thinking by dreaming big dreams and imagining unlimited possibilities. You need to remove all the negative beliefs that hold you back from becoming all you are capable of becoming.
But remember, even after the David had been released from the marble, it took Michelangelo two solid years of sanding and polishing to turn it into a masterpiece. In the same way, you also have to work on yourself, sanding and polishing, learning and practising, for days, weeks, months, and even years, to develop and bring out all the talents and abilities that lie deep inside of you.
The central purpose of this book is to help you change your thinking in such a way that you become absolutely unstoppable in achieving any goal you can set for yourself. Your goal is to develop yourself to the point psychologically where you become like an irresistible force of nature. You will be like the tide coming in, or like a powerful storm that sweeps across the land.
Your aim is to become so confident, courageous, strong, and resolute that you can set any goal for yourself with the firm knowledge that you can learn what you need to learn, and do what you need to do, to eventually achieve it. You will become so persistent and determined that nothing and no one can slow you down or alter your course. You will become truly unstoppable!
You begin the process of becoming unstoppable by dreaming big dreams. Since everything you create in your world begins with a
 Thought, the bigger the dreams you dream, the bigger the goals you will achieve. All successful men and women are dreamers. All peak performers are what are called “blue-sky thinkers.” They continually allow their minds to float freely when they think about what is possible for them. They look at the unlimited blue sky above them as the only limit to everything and anything that they could possibly be, or have or do.
Successful people continually practice “back from the future” thinking. They project into the future several years and imagine what their lives would look like if they had achieved their entire goals. They look back to the present, from the mental vantage point of the future, like looking from the top of a high mountain down to where they are actually standing in the valley, in the present. They then look at the path that they would have to take to get to where they want to be in the future.
By the law of correspondence, whatever you can clearly see on the inside, you will eventually experience on the outside. You should therefore visualise your goals with as much clarity and vividness as possible. Visualise your goals intensely and create within yourself the same feeling that you would have if you had already achieved your goals. Visualise your goals frequently. Replay a picture of your goal, as if you had already realised it, on the screen of your mind as many times a day as you possibly can. Visualise your goals for as long as you possibly can, preferably just before falling asleep each night.
Repeat these exercises of visualisation—vividness, intensity, frequency, and duration—until your goals become absolutely clear, living, breathing, exciting, clear pictures in your mind. The more skilled you become at moving from the dream through the goal to the visualisation, the more motivated and determined you will be. The more clarity you develop, the more courage and confidence you will have, and the more unstoppable you will become.
Let me tell you a story. Some years ago, I took my family to Italy on vacation. We toured several of the great art museums of Rome and Florence. In Florence, there is a special museum that was built to house the statue of David created by Michelangelo several hundred years ago. This is perhaps the most beautiful piece of sculpture in the world. The actual physical experience of being in the same room with it is something that none of us has ever forgotten.
The story of the creation of the David is very interesting and contains a lesson for all of us. Michelangelo was commissioned by the Medici’s to create a statue for the main square in Florence.
The Medici’s were the wealthiest and most powerful family of Italy at the time. A commission for a statue from the Medici’s was not only a great honour; it was also a task that could not be re- fused. For two years, Michelangelo searched for a block of stone out of which he could create the kind of masterpiece the Medici’s were looking for.
Finally, on a side street of Florence, partially overgrown with weeds and covered with dirt, he found a huge slab of marble lying on wooden trestles. It had been hauled down from the mountains years before and had never been used.
Michelangelo had walked past this street many times, but this time he stopped and looked more closely. As he walked back and forth studying the block of marble, he actually envisioned the statue of David and saw it in its entirety.
The most important part of dreaming big dreams is for you to define your ideal future vision. It is for you to think about what you want be- fore you begin to think about what is possible for you. You dream big dreams by looking into the future and imagining that you have no
 Limitations holding you back from achieving anything you set your mind on.
Detach yourself from your current situation and allow yourself to dream. Pretend for the moment that you have all the time and money you need. Imagine that you have all the connections and contacts, all the resources and opportunities, all the education and knowledge, all the skills and experience that you require to be, have, or do anything that you could dream of.
Imagine your ideal lifestyle. Imagine your ideal job or income. Imagine where you would like to live and how you would like to spend each day, each week, each month. Imagine your ideal family life. Imagine your ideal state of health. Design your perfect life in every respect. Here is an exercise for you. Take out a piece of paper and at the top write the words “Dream List.” Underline these words and then write down everything that you can think of that you could ever possibly want if you had no limitations whatsoever.
Most people are held back by their self-limiting beliefs. The way you burst these mental chains is with a dream list. The very fact that you can write down something that you would love to have someday means that you probably have within you, right now, the ability to achieve it. Let your mind float freely as you write.There will be lots of time to organize and evaluate your dreams later.
Here is a great question: “What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?”
If you were absolutely guaranteed of success in the achievement of any one goal, big or small, long-term or short-term, what would it be? If a billionaire took a liking to you and offered to write you a check to cover any goal that you could clearly define, what one goal would you choose?
If you could have any job, what would it be? If you could work for any kind of company, what kind of a company would you select? Where would it be, and what would it be doing? If your fa wildlife and your relationships could be perfect in every respect, what would they look like? Answer these questions clearly. Write them down.
You begin the creation of your ideal future by making up your dream list or You write down everything that you would want to be, do and have, exactly as if you had no limitations at all.You make up your list as if you were absolutely guaranteed of success. Then you can begin refining your list, step by step to develop a detailed blue- print for your life.
Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “Have you built your castles in the air? Good, that’s where they should be built. Now, go to work and build foundations under them.” Once you have broken free from your limited thinking, like a balloon casting lose its moorings and rising high into the sky, you can begin to turn your dreams and fantasies into concrete practical goals with specific plans of action.
Your ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the “master skill” of success.With this master skill, there are no limits on what you can accomplish. Putting your goals on paper is the next step in the process.
What they want, are very different from people who are going through life hoping for the best. Your ability to decide exactly what it is you want in each area of your life is one of the most important re- possibilities of adult life.
People often approach me at my seminars and ask what their goals should be. I reply that only they can decide. It is amazing how many of them tell me how hard it is to set goals, and I agree with them. It is hard, but it is also essential. With clear goals, you can do almost anything. Without them, you can do virtually nothing.
One of the major reasons that people fail in life is because they waste so much of their time doing things of low value or no value at all. And the reason they waste so much time is because they have no real idea of what they really want. Once you have clear goals, your ability to manage your time improves dramatically.
Here is a way to decide whether something is a good use of your time. Just ask, “Does this move me toward the achievement of one of my goals?” If the activity helps you to achieve a goal you have set for yourself, it is a good use of time. If it doesn’t, it is a poor use of time.
When you get into the habit of only doing those things that move you toward your goals, your life will take off. Your results will improve. You will soon find yourself busy every hour of every day doing things that are helping you in some way. You will have no time left to spend on activities that aren’t helping you to achieve one of your goals.
When you set clear goals for yourself, and you know exactly what you want, you will become increasingly impatient with activities that are not helping you in some way. You will watch less television. You will listen to less radio. You will read the newspapers quickly, if at all. You will become far more selective with your friends and your social activities. You will spend time only with people you enjoy, people you can learn and benefit from. But, as the old saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”
Write your goals down on paper. There is something quite incredible that happens between the brain and the hand. When you take a paper and pen and write down your goals, you activate the Laws of Expectation, Attraction, and Correspondence simultaneously. You intensify your belief and deepen your conviction that your goals are possible for you. The very act of writing down your goals gives you a sense of control and personal power. Written goals in- crease your resolve and determination to do whatever is necessary to achieve them.
The speed at which you will begin to achieve your goals after you have written them down is nothing short of miraculous. The very act of writing out your goals increases the likelihood of your achieving them by as much as 10 times—1,000 percent!
Many thousands of my graduates have written back to tell me about the amazing things that have happened in their lives that started immediately after they began putting their goals in writing.
Determine the price you are going to have to pay to achieve your goal. Make a list of everything that you are going to have to do if you want to make your goal a reality.
Are you going to have to start each day’s work a little earlier, work a little harder, and stay a little later? Write it down. Are you going to have to upgrade your knowledge and skills, and take additional courses? Again, write it down. Are you going to have to change jobs, change industries, or change careers in order to achieve every- thing that is possible for you? Write it down.
The Law of Cause and Effect is the iron law of the universe. For everything that you want, there is a price that must be paid. This price must be paid in full and in advance. The Law of Sowing and Reaping is not the Law of Reaping and Sowing. You have to put in before you get out. You have to give before you receive. You have to pay the price before you enjoy the reward.
Your willingness to do whatever you need to do, pay whatever price is required, go whatever distance is necessary, and make what- ever sacrifice is demanded is the measure of how badly you really want your goal.
Many people sabotage their own success by deciding that they want a particular goal, and although they are willing to pay a high price for it, they are not quite willing to pay the full price that the goal demands. This is like wanting to win in a poker game but not being willing to match the final bet made by the other player. You end up losing the whole hand, just as by failing to make a total commitment people end up losing the entire goal.
Make a plan, in writing. Remember, the ability to develop written goals and create plans for their achievement is the master skill of success. A plan begins with your making a list of all the things that you can think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your goal. Once you have made your list, you can add new items as they occur to you.
You then organize your list in terms of priority and sequence. What are the most important things on the list that you will have to do to achieve your goal? What are the things that you will have to do before you do something else? Which items on your list are dependent on your completing other items first?
A plan of action gives you a track to run on. It increases your level of belief and intensifies your desire for the goal. You gradually become convinced that your goal is actually possible and achievable for you. You begin to see possibilities that you may not even have been aware of in the absence of a written plan.
Take action of some kind in the direction of your goal. Once you have set a goal, written it down, determined the price that you are going to have to pay, and made a plan, you must take some action immediately. Even if you only make one phone call or collect one piece of information, be sure to do something. In the Bible it says, “Faith without deeds is dead.”
There is something powerful in your willingness to take a specific action, in faith, in the direction of your goal, with no guarantee of success. Your action itself seems to trigger all kinds of other powers and forces in the universe.

January 22, 2019


Is highly unbelievable that Rihanah has finally fall in love with Drake. Rihanah is a type of lady that does not want any man to control her and she loves doing things on her own. Stories has being going on that she vowed never to love any man, that’s why has being releasing heart break songs. Finally she made a step by kissing drake on stage while they were shooing their musical video, drake thought as usual whenever they are shooting. But to Rihana it wasn’t what drake was thinking that she is thinking, she was having a deferment feeling inside her for Drake. After the shooting  Rihana invited Drake to her house, but Drake told her that He was going to a show which he was invited, so He finally told her that He couldn’t make to the invitation.  He later called her back and invited to the show, she did not waste time in dressing up and making it to the show located at off road California, ell and dell show. At the show many things were happened. There eat to their satisfaction and later stood up to dance. As there were dancing, Rihana kissed Drake with all seriousness. She allows those words to drip out of her mouth slowly [Drake i love you so much] .Drake was surprised because he saw the seriousness in Rihana words. As for Drake he is sweet and handsome guy but he does not steaks with one person and he is also a playboy and also he doesn’t jock with his career. He told her that he will think about it. Rihana  ask Drake to give her time to prove her love for him. All these suppresses Drake because he knew the kind of lady Rihana is recently and how she said that she will not allow any man to control her and she is never going to love any man any more after she Brock up with her ex . But it shocks him to hear the stuffs about loving him. He later gave it a try by accepting her. At this sport she explained how she feels about him; they now rock together, but trust me this relationship will not last long, so let’s wait for the crash. 



Think about it: from the moment a boy is born, the first thing everyone around him starts doing is telling him what he must do to be a real man. He is taught to be tough—to wrestle, climb, get up without crying, not let anyone push him around. He is taught to work hard—to do chores around the house, get the groceries out of the car, take out the trash, shovel the snow, cut the grass, and, as soon as he’s old enough, get a job. He is taught to protect—to watch out for his mother and his younger siblings, to watch over the house and the family’s property. And he is especially encouraged to uphold his family name—make something of himself so that when he walks in a room, everybody is clear about who he is, what he does, and how much he makes. Each of these things is taught in preparation for one thing: manhood.
The pursuit of manhood doesn’t change once a boy is grown. In fact, it’s only magnified. His focus has always been on, and will remain on, who he is, what he does, and how much he makes until he feels like he’s achieved his mission. And until a man does these things, women only fit into the cracks of his life. He’s not thinking about settling down, having children, or building a home with anyone until he’s got all three of those things in sync. I’m not saying that he has had to have made it, but at least he has to be on track to making it.How you felt at work while you had to sit there with this other woman on the other side of the room with the same blouse on is irrelevant to us. As far as we’re concerned, the problem has already been fixed—you came home. You’re not looking at the woman in the identical blouse anymore. And if you don’t wear that particular blouse to the office again, you won’t have to deal with that particular problem again. In our mind, problem solved—no more talking.
All of this is to say that we men aren’t in the talking business; we’re in the fix-it business. From the moment we come out of the womb, we’re taught to protect, profess, and provide. Communicating, nurturing, listening to problems, and trying to understand them without any obligation to fix them is simply not what boys are raised to do. We don’t let them cry, we don’t ask them how they feel about anything, we don’t encourage them to express themselves in any meaningful way beyond showing how “manly” they are. Let a little boy fall off his bike and scrape his knee—see how fast everyone tells him to get up and shake it off and stop all that doggone crying. “Be a man,”
we demand. There’s no discussion about how he felt when he hit the ground—nobody’s asking him to talk about whether he’s too scared to get back on the bike and try again. 
This is certainly how it worked for me. I’ll never forget how disappointed, frustrated, and unhappy I was when, in my early Then, one night a woman for whom I used to write jokes encouraged me to go to a local comedy club and sign up for amateur night. See, I knew I was funny, and I made a few dollars—very few dollars—writing material for up-and-coming local comedians who were trying to find their way into the industry. But I hadn’t a clue, really, how to go about getting into the business for myself. Still, this woman saw something in me and told me to take the stage.
twenties, I was laid off from the Ford Motor Company. I was already a college dropout, and now, without a job, I hardly had enough money to take care of myself, much less a family. This left me unsure of my future—what I was going to do, how much I was going to make, and what my title would be. The titles “college graduate” and “Ford inspector” were gone; having no job pretty much meant that my chances of bringing home a good paycheck were zero; and I hadn’t a clue how I was going to make money. It took me a while to find my footing. I dabbled in various jobs: I owned a carpet cleaning business; I sold carpet; I sold Amway products, the Dick Gregory Bahamian Diet, and All Insurance and Commonwealth Insurance. It was madness what I was doing to try to get my life together. Finding someone serious to settle down with was the absolute last thing on my mind.
So I did. And I killed. I won $50—which today may not seem like a lot of money, but when I was broke at that time, it felt like $5,000—for telling jokes. I also was guaranteed an

If men aren’t pursuing their dreams—if we’re not chasing the “who we are,” the “what we do,” and the “how much we make,” we’re doomed. Dead. But the moment that we figure out the puzzle and feel like our dreams are taking shape, new life breathes into us—it makes us vibrant, enthuses, and animates us. From the moment I became a comedian, I stepped onto that stage ready to be the very best.
other fifty dollars if, as the winner, I opened the following week’s amateur night competition. The next day, I went to a printer and spent fifteen dollars of my winnings on business cards that, along with my phone number, read: Steve Harvey. Comedian. They were flat and flimsy and didn’t have any raised lettering, but those business cards announced that I was Steve Harvey (who I am), and that I had a special talent in comedy (what I do). How much I was going to make remained to be seen, but at least I had the “who I am” and the “what I do” lined up.
Even today, no matter how tired I am, no matter what is going on in my life, I am never late for work, and I’ve never once missed a gig. Why? Because when I wake up, my dream is in check; I’m living it out live and in colour every day, whether it’s on the radio during the Steve Harvey Morning Show, or on television with my various projects, or onstage, during my Steve Harvey Live shows. Who I am is certain—I’m Steve Harvey. What I do is certain: comedy. And how much I make is right in line with what I’ve always wanted for my family and me.

This is the drive that every man has, whether he’s the best player in the NBA, or the best peewee football coach in rural Minnesota; whether he’s the head of a Fortune 500 company, or the supervisor on the line at the local bakery; whether he’s the kingpin of a major cartel, or the chief corner boy on the block. Encoded in the DNA of the male species is that we are to be the provider and the protector of the family, and everything we do is geared toward ensuring we can make this happen. If a man can afford a place to stay, then he can protect his family from the elements; if he can afford a pair of sneakers for his child, he can feel confident enough to send him or her to school feeling secure and upbeat; if he can afford meat at the grocery store, then he can feel assured that he can feed his family. This is all any man wants; anything less, and he doesn’t feel like a man.And now, I can pay attention to my family. All the faux paint in my house, the metal ceilings, the leather chairs, the dogs outside, the cars in the yard, college tuition for my kids— everything is paid for, everyone is set. I can provide for them the way I’ve always wanted to, I can protect them the way that I was raised to, and in my family’s eyes, I am, unquestionably, a man. Which means I have a clear mind when I go to sleep at night.
Even more, we want to feel like we’re number one. We want to be The Best somewhere. In charge. We know we’re not going to be head man in every situation, but somewhere in our

You need to know this because you have to understand a man’s motivation—why he’s not home, why he spends so much time working, why he’s watching his money the way he does. Because in his world, he’s being judged by other men, based on who he is, what he does, and how much he makes. That affects his mood. If you know he’s not where he wants to be or not on track for being where he wants to be, then his mood swings at the house will make more sense to you. Your inability to get him to sit and just talk now makes sense. His “on the grind” mentality becomes more clear to you. Really, it’s all tied to the three things that drive him.
lives, we’re going to be the one everyone answers to because it’s that important to us. We want the bragging rights—the right to say, “I’m number one.” Women don’t seem to care about this so much. But for us men? It’s everything. After we’ve attained that, it’s critical that we can show off what we get for being number one. We have to be able to flaunt it, and women have to be able to see it—otherwise, what’s the use of being number one?
So if this is on his mind, and he hasn’t lined up the who he is, the what he does, and the how much he makes in the way that he sees fit, he can’t possibly be to you what he wants to be. Which means that you can’t really have the man you want. He can’t sit around talking with you, or dream about marriage and family, if his mind is on how to make money, how to get a better position, how to be the kind of man he needs to be for you.

Mind you, a man doesn’t have to make a lot of money right now; as long as he sees his dreams being realised—the title is clear to him, his position is leading him in the direction of the place where he wants to be, and he knows the money will come—then he can rest a little easier, recognising that he’s on the verge of becoming the man he wants to be. The way you can help him get there is to help him focus on his dream, see the vision, and implement his plan. If you can see yourself in that plan (you can get a clearer sense of this in my chapter “The Five Questions Every Woman Should Ask Before She Gets in Too Deep”), then latch on to it. Because when he reaches the level of success he’s hoping to reach, he’ll be a better, happier man for it—and you will be happy, too.In my experience, these facts don’t always sit well with most women. Many of you figure that if a man truly loves you, the two of you should be able to pursue your dreams together. Stability is important to you, but you’d rather build the foundation of your relationship together, no matter the man’s station in life. This is Honorable, but really, it’s not the way men work. His eye will be on the prize, and that prize may not necessarily be you if he isn’t up where he wants to be in life. It’s impossible for us to focus on the two—we’re just not that gifted, sorry.