April 17, 2019


Fans keep complaining about regina daniels  attitude on social media, but today we want to talk about her snubbing issue, here are her reasons just exactly what we recorded at R.E.P TV 
R.E.P TV  : welcome to the studio regina daniels, without wasting much time let get straight to our topic for today , we have been seeing so many comment on your social media handle about how you snub your fans online, so we really want to find out if it is true on not
REGINA:  well thank you so much for having me here, but for I say much I really wanna make it clear to my fans out they that I never snub them but if some of them feel that am snubbing I believe it should be comment on my  post which we all know it is hard to reply all the  comments on my post and another one is that of my inbox hmm
R.E.P TV : lol why did you breath so hard?
REGINA: yea because my fans love me and I love them too but one thing seems to be unchangeable about some of my fans
R.E.P TV : ok
REGINA :  yea , you see I do post always that all chart should be something vital, business etc but you will see the same person that charted you yesterday asking you the type of cream I use, the name of my school, if I have eaten ,  etc seriously repeating almost the same thing,  some will tell you they want to join the industry and if you reply their chart fast they will say am cheap, fake etc, some will say they don’t have money , now I will accept spending to make sure they start acting and some will get to the industry and start sleeping around with everything in the industry instead of the main reason why they went into the industry and later stop half way etc and..
R.E.P TV : you don’t mean it
REGINA : NO NO NO  am coming because its high time our youth wake up and know exactly what they want, so anyone that want to join the industry should go and pay money and get registered
R.E.P TV : but what about those that does not have money to register?
REGINA: then I advice they my online business which so many youth are into it already which is just 2.000 or $5 to register and I will show them how to raise lot of money to solve some their problems
R.E.P TV : This sound really interesting, but you know another thing is how they will get in contact with you I mean the serious ones
REGINA: no problem I will give out one of my contact because I always like helping, but if they do the opposite I don’t have time for such
R.E.P TV : that is very nice of you , how I wish other artist are kind and helping like this, so please let get the number pls
REGINA : OK 07086836267

R.E.P TV : THANKS MUCH pls listeners we will be stopping here for today see you next time THANK YOU

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