September 24, 2020

Williams instructions.

 Rather than get mad at people that want to see you fail, have compassion towards them because the issue is not because they really hate you, the issue is that they don’t understand why  you are getting blessed and they are not, why they are doing the same thing you are doing but you keep getting extraordinary blessings and they are not.

That’s why you notice that when people insult you for no reason or something they have no business talking about especially on social media and when you click on their profile you notice that they are not on the same social or financial status as you. They don’t understand the difference between hard work and hard work+ Grace. So rather than hate them  and spoil your beautiful heart towards human beings because of what they said to you and making you have an evil heart like them (which is what has kept them stagnant) , have some compassion for them  because their frustration is coming from a place of unproductivity.