October 31, 2020

I NEED A GOOD RELATIONSHIP. (آئیے رابطہ کریں)

ارے ، میں لاہور ، پاکستان سے ہوں اگر آپ مجھ سے رابطہ قائم کرنے کے لئے تیار ہیں تو ہاں میں تبصرہ کریں ، اور میں آپ کو جواب دوں گا اور ویڈیو کے لئے آپ کو میرا واٹس ایپ نمبر بھیجوں گا۔

 I am 27 years old. am from Pakistan. I am really seriously in need of a guy who can take good cake me. I decided to stay honest to a man who will be so honest to me.

ANY MAN that's serious should kindly drop a comment for my contact. and we will also discuss on our meeting.

If i you ever see me smiling, is because of you.... Nd if you see me crying dont think is something wrong happens to me, is that of missing you.... I love you the way you are not the way you will be.. I cant undergoes loosing you, i will always keep you smile, i dont want you to be cry, i wish to spend the rest of my life with you..... If i ask to answer how much did i love you in my life the answer will be "NO LIMITATION".... Me and you became so amazed in term of love.... #ILOVEYOUFOREVER

I have been searching for a serious and a honest guy for a long time but not yet to be found. honestly I have what it takes to be with a man and to me him a happy guy the we he wants.

I am ever ready even if it results to marriage. it all about determination and seriousness. and I can't wait to be with such a lucky guy. 

I spent way too long chasing after guys who wouldn’t or couldn’t give me what I wanted, and then I wondered what was wrong with me when it didn’t get me lasting love! The problem was simple: I was choosing the wrong men. It sounds straightforward enough, but it’s a very tricky thing. We fall for these guys because it feels so right, 

because we’re swept up in the passion, the chemistry, and the intoxicating aura of unavailability; we get sucked into the space that exists when someone is just beyond our reach and it makes us yearn for him. We convince ourselves that this is it, that he’s the one and we just need to make him see it.


 There comes a time in a man’s life when he needs to settle and there is no better time than now. 

For years, my major prayer point has been for God to give me a Life and Destiny partner that can understand my complex nature, as well as my calling to serve God and Humanity and vice versa.

I have discovered that marriage is not only about procreation and pleasure. Just as significantly, it is about two people coming together to achieve the assignment given to them by God, the Creator of the institution of marriage. 

God didnt just answer my prayers...he gave me more than I asked for in you. So that being said I want to say thank you. 

Thank you for being my friend

Thank you for never quitting on me even in my worst days and behaviors.

Thank you for your humility and fear of God.

Thank you standing by me and staying up all night praying with me for days  when it seemed like the whole world was against me.

Thank you for trusting and believing in me enough to mentor and teach you.

Thank you for not being scared to correct me  when you think I’m about to take a wrong step and vice versa. 

Thank you for allowing me to be me, accepting my personality and helping me work on my weaknesses and vice versa. 

Thank you for being an amazing cook knowing that I can’t cook to save my life.😋

Thank you for agreeing to be the mother of my kids

And last but not the least;

Thank you for agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me.

My Prayer is that as we step into the next phase of our life, God who is the founder of this institution called marriage will lead and teach in all things. I Love you to the moon No sorry the moon is too far maybe to the furthest part of the earth wit Uber😂.

Ok by we have a wedding to plan.


October 30, 2020


 my name is Anaisha, I am 26 years old. am from Karachi, Pakistan. I am really seriously in need of a guy who can take good cake me. I decided to stay honest to a man who will be so honest to me.

ANY MAN that's serious should kindly drop a comment for my contact. and we will also discuss on our meeting.

I have been searching for a serious and a honest guy for a long time but not yet to be found. honestly I have what it takes to be with a man and to me him a happy guy the we he wants.

I am ever ready even if it results to marriage. it all about determination and seriousness. and I can't wait to be with such a lucky guy. 

I spent way too long chasing after guys who wouldn’t or couldn’t give me what I wanted, and then I wondered what was wrong with me when it didn’t get me lasting love! The problem was simple: I was choosing the wrong men. It sounds straightforward enough, but it’s a very tricky thing. We fall for these guys because it feels so right, because we’re swept up in the passion, the chemistry, and the intoxicating aura of unavailability; we get sucked into the space that exists when someone is just beyond our reach and it makes us yearn for him. We convince ourselves that this is it, that he’s the one and we just need to make him see it.

October 28, 2020


i know some will say this is not true, but trust and believe that this is genuine

And don't let it seems impossible to you. 

For the rest, it's somewhere in between.

Which group are YOU in? stop breathing high

I'll take a guess. Because you're reading this website, I'll assume you are 

NOT in the first group... but want to be there!

Great. That's what you'll learn inside this collection of plans, models and 

step by step blueprints to make $100 a day.

But first, tell me which of these are You.

 I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to make $100 a day working online

 I feel $100 a day can be made by some people - just not me

I know $100 a day is possible, I've done it - but not consistently

Picked one of the 3 choices above?

Good. Now, I'll reveal the BIGGEST secret that will make it possible for 

you to make $100 a day - every day, day after day, starting very soon.

You Must BELIEVE It Can Be Done = By YOU

I know it's hard. For the first 6 or 7 years of working on my online 

business, I did not believe it could be done. But things changed. I had 

smaller successes that gave me confidence and hope. And then, at last, I 

really believed deep inside me that making $100 a day was possible.

And Guess what?

Within 1 month from then, I had my first $1,000 (day) Yes, one 

THOUSAND bucks in 24 hours.

It gets better.

Less than 3 weeks from that day, I had my first $2,000 day. I had 

DOUBLED my previous best in under a month!

And there's more.

Within the next 3 months, I had my first TEN THOUSAND dollar day - and 

then repeated that several times over the years that followed... even had 

one memorable day of $20,000 day!

How did I break that mental barrier? What made that 'dream' possible?

Seeing other people succeed. Being in touch with them. Finding out how 

they did it.

Finally, one thing gave me the big shove in my back - 

It shattered previous barriers and limits inside my mind. It gave me the 

courage to dream bigger dreams. It gave me confidence to go after the 

bigger dreams - with bigger action steps.

And because I believed, deep inside, in my heart, and with absolutely no 

doubt, it happened. Napoleon Hill, author of 'Think and Grow Rich' said it 


"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

Look, I can understand how you feel.

It's perfectly logical to think:

"I'll believe it when I see it."

But let me give you an alternative that's more inspiring:

"I'll see it BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT!💪"

Make that your new reality, as we learn the specific action steps to make 

your dream of making $100 a day come true.

But like everything else, there are different ways of viewing this.

$100 a day can also mean $700 a week.

$100 a day can also mean $3,000 a month.

$100 a day can also mean $9,000 a quarter.

$100 a day can also mean $36,500 a year.

All of these are different ways of looking at the same figure - and there's 
a reason you may want to pick one of these over the other... because I'm 
going to show you how to hit those numbers in your own way.
If you're a strategic, future-oriented, long-term focused business-person, 
you may like the annual figure better than the per-day target.
If you're in need of urgent cash flow, and live in a more 'need quick cash 
now' mindset, the $100 every 24 hours view looks more attractive.
So let's explore the different possibilities.

Making $100 a Day - The Models
Broadly, I'm going to classify your '$100 a day models' into 3 groups:

- short term (measured weekly)

- medium term (measured monthly)

- long term (measured quarterly or annually)

       Short Term Models
Note: All totals for income will be calculated on a WEEKLY basis.
Let's first look at models that will let you make $100 a day - quickly.
   Model #1:

Low cost, daily sales
You sell a low-cost item (product or service) priced at $10. You make 10 
sales every day. You earn $100 a day.
hope you are following up

       Simple, right?

👍Weekly total: $700, from 70 sales, each at $10

The one difficulty is being able to make 10 sales every day, week after


   .Model #2: Price hike

Let's look at what happens if instead you sell a higher priced product, at


Now, all you need is to make 5 sales every day, and you reach your


You sell a $20 item (product or service). You make 5 sales every day. You

earn $100 a day.

A bit easier, right? And 5 sales daily is easier than 10.

Weekly total: $700, from 35 sales, each at $20

   .Model #3: Up sell

Now, if you add another related product or service to your offer, and

make it available to buyers at the same time, let's see what happens.

You sell a $20 item (product or service). You make 5 sales every day. You

earn $100 a day. You also offer a related item for $5. 1 out of every 5

buyers accepts your upsell offer. You earn an extra $5 a day.

That sounds easy - and it just boosted your profits by 5%

Weekly total: $700 + $35 - from 35 sales at $20 plus 7 people taking the

upsell offer at $5

Model #4: 

One Time Offer

Let's extend this further - by making a very special, exclusive offer to

your customers AFTER they have bought from you.

You put together a high-value package (products, services, membership

or other) and offer it at a steep discounted price - but only for a very

limited time (the 'one time' offer)

You sell a $20 item (product or service) with $5 up sell. You make 5 sales

every day. You also make a one-time offer for $50. 1 out of every 10

buyers accepts your upsell offer. You earn an extra $175 (on average)

every week.



 Craze clown known as the nigerian comedian survive in a fatal accident. One person died in the accident. according to crazeclown, he said that he already fate. But God almighty saved me from the accident.

My people I have no words people I want to talk but only 'THANK YOU JESUS' keeps coming out of my mouth! Somebody died in this accident! I saw my life flash before my eyes! I already accepted my fate but GOD SAID NO!!! This song says EVERYTHING for me! THANK YOU JESUS

thanks to everyone of you out there reaching, I am saved just only the dislocated risk, neck and bruises but I am alive.

Craze clown also said that, I don't know about you or what you believe in, but my God saved me, my God saved me and I am grateful, thank you Jesus.

According to his fan, he said to crazeclown that you have a purpose to live. God is great, you will not die young God is really with you stay safe and be strong.

until you've been in a car accident, you won't understand how he feels. I am thankful to God for sparing your live. you have so much thing to do and live for. we thank God for your life and for share a good testimony with you.

everyone were happy and thanking God on his behalf for God keeping him alive.

we must say that God really loves you, 

stay strong and stay safe. 

October 19, 2020



Edo State Government establishes a Judicial Panel of Inquiry into Circumstances surrounding the #EndSARS protests in Edo State.

In response to the yearnings of Nigerian youths, as articulated in the demands of the #Endsars protesters, His Excellency, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, Governor of Edo State, has instituted a Panel of Inquiry, with the following members; 

  1. Hon. Justice Ada Ehigiamusoe, Chairperson;

  2. Bishop Feb Idahosa, (Clergy);

  3.  Francis Osayi, (ASUU);

  4. Comrade Osahon Obasuyi (NYC);

  5. Prest Aigbokhian (Civil Society);

  6. Mrs Uloaku Uzamere (NCWS):

  7.  Comrade Pius Efofan (NANS);

  8. Pius Okpere (#EndSARS Movement);

  9. Comrade Kola Edokpayi (#EndSARS Movement);

 10. Mrs Felicia Monyei (Ministry of Justice);

 11. Representative of security forces;

 12.  Mrs Joyce Ugbodaga, Secretary to the Committee

The Terms of Reference of the Panel are;

 1. To receive complaints and petitions from the general public, particularly victims or relatives of victims of police brutality and extra-judicial killings, and to recommend measures, including compensation and restitution, investigation and prosecution, as the circumstances warrant.

  2. To advise on compensation or restitution to the victims, or- where the victim has been killed- to the family of the victim, based on condition which shall be clearly laid out by the Committee.

  3. To ensure that compensation is paid within 14 days of the decision to compensate.

  4. To recommend and direct the Attorney General to immediately prosecute all persons responsible for the various crimes committed

  5.  To recommend measures to forestall reoccurrences in the future

  6.  To make any other recommendations to government in furtherance of the mandate of this Committee

The Panel has been given 90 days to complete this assignment. All hearings will be open to the general public.

All interested persons are advised to send their complaints, petitions and suggestions to the Committee.

The Edo State government fully ascribes to the ideals of the #EndSARS movement, which is driven by the desire for a new Nigeria, within which no man or woman is oppressed, and within which all can realise their true potentials.

The reform and repositioning of the Nigerian Police Force is an integral part of this move, and therefore we call upon the Federal Government to speedily intervene and take immediate and concrete measures to strengthen the Nigerian Police Force, and ensure that all officers and men conduct themselves in a humane and efficient manner, in alignment with international best practices.


Osarodion Ogie Esq.

Secretary to the State Government,

Edo State.

October 17, 2020


 As Nigerians deeply continue to call for an end to police brutality and finally reform of the Nigerian Police Force, VicePresident Yemi Osinbajo has said that the Buhari-led government owes the Nigerian youths a duty of winning back their trust.

Osinbajo in an open letter to Nigerians, said efforts are currently being made to address all the issues raised in the end SARS protests.

His letter reads

Dear Nigerians, I know that many of you are angry, and understandably so. We could've moved faster and for this we are sorry. I fully understand how many young people feel. Many feel that we have been too silent and have simply not done enough. These feelings of frustration are justified.

responsibility for security and protecting young people, even sometimes from those who are paid to protect them.

Over the past week, we have been following the protests, and I have had a number of discussions with key people in the administration that you deserve to be informed about. Transparency, after all, is a key tenet of government.

Several meetings have been held with: the

Senate President Ahmed Lawan, Femi

Gbajabiamila, Chief of Staff to President

Buhari, Chairman of the Police Commission, Inspector General of Police, the Executive Chairman of NHRC and governors.

We understand that you want to see action from us and I'm here to tell you that work is ongoing. I chaired a meeting of 36 state governors and the Minister of the FCT (NEC), where we resolved to set up judicial panels of inquiry so we can see justice served, and fast.

The reason being that only st

ate governors, by law, can set up judicial inquiries in their states. The hearings will be public.

With Mr. President's approval, SARS has been completely disestablished, and none of its former members will feature in any police tactical units.

I am sending my deepest condolences to the families of Jimoh Isiaq, and all those who have lost their lives at the hands of wayward police officers. To those injured, I wish a full and speedy recovery.

We have proposed that each state government set up a Victims' Support Fund, which the goverors will support. This is the least that we can do to compensate for the injustice suffered at the hands of errant officers.

We also understand that the issues that you're raising are bigger than just SARS. They're deep and systemic and we're undertaking comprehensive measures that will revamp the police by addressing issues of welfare, service conditions and training.

On Monday, Mr. President also reiterated his commitment to these extensive police reforms.

We will continue to update and engage with you all on these action steps and the ones to come, in the spirit of transparency, so that you can hold us accountable. We are, after all, here to serve you and we owe you a duty to win back your trust. Keep safe. God bless you. - YO"

October 14, 2020

Why are they in a hurry to change name. (RUDEBOY

 Why are they in a hurry to change name 🤷🏾‍♂️  ... and to all the soldiers beating protesters in abuja , one day your commander in chief will be one of the protesters ✊🏾🇳🇬✊🏾🇳🇬 we move ✊🏾✊🏾

Am a developing and voiceless nationalist/ activist . I fancy every human that puts on resistance to whoever trying to violate his or her natural rights . keep fighting for your rights my dear comrades of Nigeria. Its your country and the nation is you people. Big up my star #Rudeboy , big up all Nigerians who have joined the struggle. Pray for us Uganda as well Bobi wine will once be crowned the people's choice of Uganda.

A fan from Uganda also said: In Uganda here some of our musicians supporting oppression the government, am not going to mention any but it's good to see our brothers in Nigeria doing it

Good stuff, bro!

The deployment of the military for a civil engagement in the 21th Century and after 21 years of our democratic experience is terrible and totally unacceptable. It speaks to the dictatorial credentials of the Buhari government.

The Nigerian authorities must appreciate that the Constitution guarantees we the citizens rights to freedom of expression and the press and peaceful assembly and association respectively.

And so the use of brute force on peaceful protesters is unlawful and unacceptable. They have got to understand that sovereignty belongs to the Nigerian people, from whom government derives its powers and authority.

Love you guys but #EndNigeria would have been the best option because that name Nigeria is the one that gave birth to SARS  so remain resolute , campaign and protest on how to end Nigeria not SARS.

Remember that the authority you are protesting against has now baptized SARS to SWAT

What are you all gonna do now  that SARS has metamorphosed into SWAT ?

You don't cut tree from the branches but from the tap root.

God bless lovers of truth all over the world .




•  New Tactical Team to Commence Training Next Week

The Inspector General of Police, IGP M.A. Adamu, NPM, mni has, today, 13th October, 2020, in accordance with Section 18 (10) of the Police Act 2020, ordered all personnel of the defunct SARS to report at the Force Headquarters, Abuja for debriefing, psychological and medical examination. The officers are expected to undergo this process as a prelude to further training and reorientation before being redeployed into mainstream policing duties. 

The medical examination will be carried out by the newly set-up Police Coun

selling and Support Unit (PCSU), a Unit, which henceforth shall engage in psychological management, re-orientation and training of officers of the Force deployed for tactical operations and other duties. The Unit, which is domiciled with the Force Medical Department and coordinated by the Force Medical Officer, has its membership drawn from amongst psychiatrists, psychologists, medics, pastors and imams, Public Relations practitioners, Civil Society and other Human Rights groups with relevant qualifications and expertise. 

Meanwhile, the IGP has set up a new Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team that will fill the gaps arising from the dissolution of the defunct SARS. Prospective members of this new team will also undergo psychological and medical examination to ascertain their fitness and eligibility for the new assignment.  They are to commence training at the different Police tactical training institutions nationwide, next week. While personnel from the Police Commands in the South-East and the South-South will be trained at the Counter-Terrorism College, Nonwa-Tai, Rivers State, those from the  Police Commands from the North and the South-West will be trained at the Police Mobile Force Training College, Ende, Nasarawa State and the Police Mobile Force Training College, Ila-Orangun, Osun State, respectively.

While reaffirming his irrevocable commitment towards the successful and holistic implementation of the Police reforms, the IGP enjoins members of the public, particularly protesting citizens to exercise restraint and allow measures being put in place to come to fruition and engender a Police Force that would meet the yearnings and aspirations of the citizenry.





cc: Gwen

October 13, 2020



Today my team and I met with the IG of police at their headquarters in Abuja to discuss the #EndSars protests and the way forward.

I want to make it clear that I never went there to deny protesting. My comment was taken out of context. I was trying to explain that I was not at the protest to cause trouble or fight as you can hear me say in the video, but rather I was there in solidarity with every Nigerian demanding an end to police brutality. I was also explaining to Mr Frank Mba, the Force PRO, that my intention on leaving Lagos for Abuja was not to lead a protest like many had thought. I had finally secured an invitation from the IG of police to come to Abuja for a stakeholders meeting scheduled for Monday morning. That was the reason for my trip and for my Abuja tweets.

As for the talk doing rounds about me going to 'deny protesting' and lie due to intimidation or whatever. It's a shame that at this particular time lies have to be spread by blogs that should be focused on fighting for the cause, and a shame that I have to explain myself, but I have to.

Mr. Mba had seen videos and pictures of myself on social media protesting in solidarity alongside my fellow Nigerians and asked what happened as he also knew that was not the plan. I then explained the reason I got involved with the protesters and led them down to Force HQ so I could dialogue with the officers in charge who were accused of effecting arrests. I was there until we were given assurance that all protesters were released and we left shortly after. Hence my 'I didn't protest' explanation. I am not one to fear police or fear protests.

I had someone record on IG live was because as usual I'm trying to carry people along on every step. This movement belongs to each and every one of us and no one single person can claim to be the leader of this.

The room we were in where the video leaked was Mr Mba's. We waited there briefly for the IG to see us. The actual meeting with the IG though recorded has not yet been shared. That was where we discussed extensively the issues facing the youth and facing us as a nation.

I have never claimed to be the voice of the people, nor can I claim to have been personally victimized by SARS. But as a young Nigerian, there is no way I could be silent on this matter and not help to the best of my ability- as flawed as it may come across to some. The crime here would have been inaction.

I'm a Nigerian FIRST, David Adeleke Second.

I would like to thank the IG for agreeing to meet with us under such short notice and hearing us out, the great Nigerian youth for being so inspiring and showing the world that things are changing, and in particular I'd like to thank the REAL voices of this movement- our WOMEN. They have been the backbone of the protests, and we must protect them at all costs.

Lastly, may we never forget those that have tragically lost their lives to police brutality before and during these protests.

Yours always,

David Adeleke

October 12, 2020


 Dear Mr President @muhammadubuhari 

Ever since I took this selfie of us I have not posted it but I decided to post it today so that you know I’m not speaking from afar.

Firstly, the truth of the matter is that you are the Father and Number 1 citizen of this country Nigeria, and in every family, where there is chaos, disagreements or misunderstanding, the family looks up to the Father to resolve it as the head of the house. 

The last time we met, you assured us that you have the best interest of the Nigerian youth at heart, Sir there is no better time to show that the voice of the Nigerian youth matters than now. All we are asking for is an Executive Order from you to #EndSars because this is not the first time we’ve heard that it’s been dissolved.

Secondly Sir, we need the Nigerian police System reformed.

Thirdly, I don’t know if you know this but a police recruit makes N32k (less than $80) every month which does not justify but explains the immense corruption, extortion and  bribery we see on the road everyday. We need their salaries increased to atleast N200k.

Sir, all we ask is for you to come on TV and stand with us now more than ever.

October 11, 2020

Nigerian youth #Endsars protesters was shot in Abuja by policemen.

 Nigerian youth #EndSARS protesters in Abuja have been shot at, teargassed and poured water on earlier today.

according to the reporter who was at the venue of the protest reports that the protesters were on a march to the Force Headquarters in the Federal Capital when they were stopped by the Police officers.

These protests have gathered momentum in every part of the country since Nigerian youths hit the streets to indicate their displeasure with the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

I see this protest giving birth to another thing better. It will generate attentions to questions to this country and their leaders,  you can imagine at this point the president is yet to address this nation on this issue, but will travel to restore peace at Mali, what a nation with leaders like Nigeria. It's a shame said by one of the protester.

another protester also said that Now you see that d ev*l in d force can't be excommunicated. Even when they should be sober for their ev*l acts. They still have d gut to attacking peaceful protesters and the seat of power are silent on this. One day go be one day o!!!

This is military government... it's only a brainwashed person that will say this is a democratic state 

We need more than #EndSARS, we need to make government accountable at all levels, the protest should be taken to government and lawmakers at the local, state and federal level, the death caused by bad government is more significant when compared to that caused by SARS. In fact, SARS is just a symptom, we need to tackle the root cause.

I didn't expect less. We are unfortunately overwhelmed/ruled with/by lack of professionalism is almost all sector of our economy.

youths are gradually waking up except northern youths that support everything this administration does .

Revolution gradually loading.

Soon, they may  protest against the president and respective  state governors

Don't underrate the power of masses that share same ideology.

October 10, 2020

See what Dj cuppy did with a little pet in Dubai

 Dj cuppy recently paid a visit to her pet lion. and it seems Dj cuppy also had some time to spare for this giraffe that needed to be fed. 

However a word of advice from her fan: 

Babe you have to be very careful from this call pet that it's not so friendly with human neither was it created to be so. if it was created to be friendly it should have been among domestic animal we all have in our various home. 

most of her fans were complaining that the her took to travel out to visit a lion pet is more than enough for her to use it to visit orphanage people.

Why I love Cuppy is because, she could have chosen to work for her billionaire Dad in any of his outfit as a manager or anything else,,, but she chose to go out there to build, hustle on her won to promote her own brand, that's beautiful, whatever Dad gives her become a bonus. Even if she stop all her hustle today,, she can never go broke,, her beauty alone can balance the bill,,, bae I love you💕💕💕💕 said by her fan.

Most of his fans couldn't like the idea of been traveling out while the country is on "Endsars protest" 

Seriously what is she did in dubia when others are protesting in Nigeria sha this is the best time to visit her lion

Better don settle down before it get out of hand @cuppy... mind u, u gat give birth cuz u were given birth also and u also needs to reproduce.. this lifetime u living now ain't necessary.. we all know u rich enough.. Get a husband please said by her fan.

October 6, 2020





- As Police Arrest 2 FSARS Operatives, 1 Civilian Accomplice in Lagos State 

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A Adamu, NPM, mni has banned the personnel of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) and other Tactical Squads of the Force including the Special Tactical Squad (STS), Intelligence Response Team (IRT), Anti-Cultism Squad and other Tactical Squads operating at the Federal, Zonal and Command levels, from carrying out routine patrols and other conventional low-risk duties - stop and search duties, checkpoints, mounting of roadblocks, traffic checks, etc - with immediate effect. In addition, no personnel of the Force is authorized to embark on patrols or tactical assignments in mufti. They must always appear in their police uniforms or approved tactical gear. The IGP’s directives come against the backdrop

of findings by the leadership of the Force that a few personnel of the Tactical Squads hide under these guise to perpetrate all forms of illegality, contrary to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement establishing the squads. 

Specifically, the IGP has warned  the Tactical Squads against the invasion of the privacy of citizens particularly through indiscriminate and unauthorized search of mobile phones, laptops and other smart devices. They are to concentrate and respond only to cases of armed robbery, kidnapping and other violent crimes when the need arises. 

The IGP notes that the FSARS and other Police Tactical Squads remain a critical component of the Force in confronting prevailing and emerging violent crimes in the country. He however condemns every act of unprofessionalism, abuse of human rights and high-handedness by some personnel of the Squads. He has therefore ordered the X-Squad and the Monitoring Unit to embark on  immediate and massive nationwide monitoring of activities of Tactical Squads and other police officers on the road. They are to ensure prompt arrest, investigation and prosecution of all erring police officers who violate these dir

ectives and other extant regulations of the Force. 

The IGP has equally warned, that henceforth, the Commissioner of Police in charge of FSARS, Commissioners of Police in charge of State Commands and the FCT as well as their supervisory Zonal Assistant Inspectors General of Police, will be held liable for any misconduct within their Area of Responsibility (AOR). He therefore charged them to ensure effective supervision and mentoring of the personnel of the Tactical Squads under their jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, two operatives of the FSARS and their civilian accomplice operating in Lagos State, INSPR Sale James, INSPR Monday Uchiola and Okechukwu Ogbonna, have been arrested by the Lagos State Police Command, for acts of professional misconduct including extortion and intimidation of innocent citizens. The operational vehicle of the men has also been impounded and disciplinary procedure has already commenced against the defaulters.

The IGP reaffirms his   commitment to bequeathing to Nigerians, a reformed Police Force that is accountable, responsible and ever ready to defend and uphold the rights of the citizens while discharging its duties of keeping the people safe and secure. He enjoins the citizens not to allow the misconduct by a few personnel of the Force to negatively impact on their belief, confidence and trust in the Police.





October 4, 2020



Now we advocate for advocate for capital punishment for offenders and defulters. Kindly send in any videos of defaulting police officers and we will give it publcity till it is adressed

All FSARS, STS, IRT & other Tactical @PoliceNG Squads operating at Federal, Zonal & Command levels are hereby BANNED from carrying out routine patrols & other conventional low-risk duties - stop & search duties, checkpoints, roadblocks, traffic checks, etc WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT


Presidency Nigeria NGRPresident • Oct 4

Replying to @NGRPresident

Henceforth. no @PoliceNG personnel is authorized to embark on patrols or tactical assignments in mufti.

All Police Force personnel must always appear in their police uniforms or approved tactical gear.

Presidency Nigeriae @NGRPresident Oct 4

All Tactical Squads must also desist from the invasion of the privacy of citizens particularly through indiscriminate and unauthorized search of mobile phones, laptops and other smart device. 

Presidency Nigeria @NGRPresident - Oct 4

Henceforth,the Commissioner of Police in charge of FSARS, Commissioners of Police in charge of State/FCT Commands as well as their supervisory Zona Assistant Inspectors General of Police, will be held liable for any @PoliceNG misconduct within their Area of Responsibility.